Case Studies & White Papers

BCycle Bike Rental Case Study

KIOSK Information Systems

Improving the Culture of Transportation with Bike Sharing Kiosks

BCycle’s first generation kiosk platform has become the most widely installed solution with more than 40 U.S. cities and recent deployment expansion into Chile. The fully automated rental platform provides a convenient and affordable transportation alternative to local commuters and tourists.

BCycle delivers an expandable network of easy bike locating services, rental and return. Planning professionals assist in location placement to optimize citywide infrastructure, and provide stations in areas with the highest popularity and citizen demand. Each bike is equipped with RFID tracking technology, enabling reliable inventory balancing throughout the city and easy user location services with smart phone apps.

Users have the option of either becoming an annual “Bconnected” member with unlimited use privileges for a nominal fee or they can rent bikes at the kiosk on an as needed basis.


Upon entry to the U.S. bike sharing market, BCycle’s aim was to provide a self-service bike share platform that would be fun, reliable and convenient enough to change the commuting behavior of citizens across the country

Multi-Generational Solution

Working with KIOSK Information Systems, BCycle has created two generations of platform design, both offering:

  • Flexible rental and docking stations to accommodate various city infrastructure needs
  • Integrated RFID technology for bike tracking and faster release mechanisms
  • Simple, user-friendly kiosk user interface and convenient mobile apps
  • Solar, off-grid power functionality


Since entering the market in 2010, BCycle has earned the #1 spot in U.S. installation market share. Associated adoption statistics:

  • 40+ cities on two continents
  • 4,000+ bikes
  • 500+ stations
  • 2.6 million+ rides and growing…

Download the BCycle Bike Rentals Case Study